Sunday, February 4, 2024


We are in the midst of a global war against the people. Many wars against ordinary people have occurred and in recent years strategies and tactics from those have been perfected and used in the attacks we now experience.

In Australia, our “freedom” movement is large, diverse in philosophies of ways of going forward, and has many participants taking leading roles in different areas.

In the political solution camp, divisions and white-anteing have emerged, particularly the moment we headed into the pre-polling days before election day. To make such attacks at a time when people are casting their votes seems fruitless other than ensuring chaos, confusion and people losing confidence in the vote they intended to cast.

During the war on Syria, i.e., by the same people at war against all of us, the phenomenon of such divisions, some life-threatening, emerged when it became clear that the enemies were not going to win, particularly when Syria requested Russia’s assistance.  I am putting together some things written by a pair under their activist names as I see similar patterns emerging in the war on humanity we are experiencing.

The pattern of destructive sabotage/
white-anteing in the case of Syria only was made possible when certain key people leading the truth movement began to lose focus on the priorities, letting their egos get in the way which opened the doors for “support” from anyone regardless of whether these people were truly good allies. In no time many purported supporters came from dubious backgrounds, possibly guided by foreign intelligence agencies or groups pushing their own agenda.

The first stage saw these people gaining the confidence of the indigenous advocates for their country, then when these “friends” milked the advocates of their knowledge, know-how and above all, connections to the right people they had completed stage one of their task.

Then they discarded them. If they protested at being used and became suspicious of the motivations of these “supporters”, they were mercilessly targeted for defamation and shutting down.

These “supporters” in no time had an army of Western supporters who had also suddenly become interested in the plight of that country. Networks inside and outside of the country were quickly established. The corruption that so many Syrians hated and which had led to the country becoming vulnerable to attack was used by these “friends” to ensure they got their way.

These operatives ensured full control over the “truth” movement, mitigating those suspicious locals by driving in deep, dangerous wedges and smears to totally disable them.

They steadily gained control over what narratives were to be presented to the solidarity movement in the West and that was done through the growing alternative media that suddenly took interest in the plight of the country.

It transpired that much of the observed behaviour of these hijackers seemed to come straight out of a NATO research document on hybrid warfare that described overtaking movements, their narratives, repeating the same topics to drown out other ones, and that was mainly concerning the use of social media. (1) (link) 

Control over social media, what topics were covered there and in the alternative media, was key to controlling the truth movement, and it was not merely control, but possessing the ability to discredit the movement. Just like in the freedom movement in Australia, incrementally activists were barraged with many reports and information of dubious origin and its volume was impossible to process. The task of gathering correct information became most arduous. This was the forte of these operatives, controlling the narratives, building an army ”…of scavengers, hired pens and thugs, the picture was complete and all they needed was to repeat the lies over and over and over again until simple minded people, too lazy to do their own investigation, believed the lies.” (2) (link)

This is what was learnt in the war on Syria which the Globalists tested the use of media/social media as an effective form of warfare (hybrid warfare).  Losing control over one’s voice was very dangerous. “In the early years of the Syria defence movement, the activists were sticklers for ensuring accuracy and integrity in their reports and advocacy activities. Syrians were firmly in charge of and in control of their movement. They also knew humility and honesty was necessary for the credibility of their work and hence needed to be open and real in meeting and dealing with justified criticisms about Syria and her government, ensuring they never were dismissed as “propagandists” and manufacturers of false narratives. They knew that they had to maintain the moral upper ground and walk the talk when exposing the complicity of much of the mainstream media in the war machine targeting the Syrian state.“ (3) (link)

We can see in the following statement a parallel with our freedom movement.“Controlled opposition in its many forms, whether from social action organisations to political or environmental ones, from the plethora of media outlets, to online petitions, have left many genuine seekers of the truth reeling, exhausted, disheartened and disempowered as they expend endless energy trying to figure out who is truly an alternative source of information and action and who is not.“(4) (link

The lessons learnt in more recent empire wars, must be applied to any movement that opposes them and the freedom movement is the ultimate battle for the existence of the well-being of humanity, or at least those nations targeted. “What the world community of genuine activists and supporters of justice and resistance to the designs of “the empire” need to remember is that, it is a constant battle to keep up with the truth and lies within our movement...[h]ence, it will always be a battle to ascertain where the controlled opposition strikes and what kind of operatives and projects on the ground are really part of that.” (5) (link)

Part of that important lesson learnt was to “… never allow reports or photographs that were incorrect. We wanted to always have the moral upper ground as a mirror to the media lies and untruthful narratives...” (6) (link)

That also included responsible journalism and activism in terms of not allowing the ugly divides in society to be strengthened as had happened with some of the “supporters” who turned out to be anything but that. (7) (Link

Using twisted, false or manufactured news or analysis is a key strategy and tactic of hybrid warfare and, as many activists become overwhelmed with this and with emerging new players, it seems that, despite evidence being available or findable
“… the facts are glaring at members of our community, but, they go into denial. The irony is that when it suits their comfort zone, many are adept at research and exposing issues that the main stream media lies about, but engage in “suspension of disbelief” when an inconvenient “conspiracy” is staring at them or has actually engulfed them.”
(8) (link)

What many activists in the Australian freedom movement may be unaware of, is that,
]he empire works in this way using a hierarchy of operatives, with the bottom rung often being unaware of their role in this hierarchy and just happy about the attention and free run of their ….egos where they can pursue their own organisations’ agenda and their personal one too.  A few steps up the ladder, the more smart ones take on a few pet topics which they flood the social media platform with, drowning out any other news or stories and indigenous writers/reporters that they don't have control over.  (9) (link

In closing, words written years back on the experiences of the war on Syria are appropriate.
 “It is hoped that as further reflection, research and work is done on this topic of infiltration, hijack, destruction and redirection of indigenous based movements using social media, other peoples enduring and fighting against attacks on their sovereignty and way of life, take note of what happened in the struggle for Syria … and be forewarned and prepared. There are many highly mischievous
schemes to achieve this infiltration, and indigenous activists need to be well informed.”(10) (link)

1 comment:

Ann said...

Hi Susan - great and pertinent article - yes - actually there's a guy named Patrick Bergy- that worked for the private military complex - but contracted to the US military - that was designing exactly what you are referring too - I think it might be called Clear Force- and the operation is called AAI - and the company is owned by General Jim Jones - who was Obama's Secretary of State for a while...very scary stuff

Brendon O'Connell talks about it in some of his videos -