Sunday, February 24, 2019


By Iman Safi 30 September 2018

I have many dear friends who genuinely believe in the Al Gore version of “climate change”. We are all entitled to our opinion. What I don’t accept is thought police activists who love insulting others and calling them names because they disagree with them.

Personally, I believe that climate is changing, and it always has. But I haven’t yet seen evidence to prove that it is caused by human activity. If in the eyes of some I will be seen as a stupid ignorant uneducated materialist conservative who deserves to be locked up and lynched, that’s fine. But I have my reasons to have doubts about the Al Gore theory.

To begin with, warming has been going on for a long time. In the Engadin region of the Swiss Alps, there are markers that show how glaciers have been receding. The records started in 1840. We can only assume they started recording after noticing the phenomenon for quite some time. The melting of ice therefore started in the early 19th Century, if not earlier; long before the industrial revolution and when the population of the planet was under a billion. Those in doubt can go there and see those markers.

Secondly, when floating icebergs melt, the ice will shrink and water produced will have exactly the same volume of the previously submerged part of the once floating iceberg. If anyone doubts this, they can go back and study the laws of Archimedes. When icebergs melt therefore, water produced will not increase the total volume of ocean water and will not cause any rising levels of sea water. It is only ice on glaciers that, if melts, can cause such an effect. Having said that, 75% of the globe is covered by seas and only 25% by land. Earth will therefore need the equivalent of a layer of ice that is 3 meters deep over the entire land mass to melt for it to cause a 1 meter increase in sea level. If in doubt, one can go back to basic arithmetic.

Yes, some Pacific islands seem to be sinking, but what makes us think we know the reason? How do we for certain know that the sea level around is rising and that it is not those islands themselves that are sinking? Why isn’t the sea level rising in Holland if this is a global phenomenon?

Furthermore, as the globe warms up, and more cyclones/hurricanes are produced, each average size event transforms a massive amount of heat into kinetic energy, and this results in an enormous cooling effect. No one seems to want to talk about this fact that is easy to find on Google. The amount of heat dissipated by a single cyclone is equivalent of the overall amount of electric energy produced by humans in 200 days. If global warming is producing more cyclones, it is also surely producing more conditions for cooling.

Let us also not forget that a higher percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will lead to a higher rate of photosynthesis; not only on land, but also in the oceans. This will increase the potential for food production as well as speeding up the rate of transforming back that carbon dioxide into oxygen.

And how can we forget natural pollutants such as volcanoes? A single average volcanic eruption will produce more dust, more greenhouse effect, more carbon dioxide, sulphur, hydrocarbons than human activities can do in decades.

None of the above is rocket science. It is basic high-school knowledge and common sense. It doesn’t take much intelligence to understand this, but is certainly takes much less intelligence to believe the Al Gore version without asking questions.

And I ask, when we fly Virgin Airlines (for example) and pay extra for carbon offsetting and the promise that trees will be planted with our money to offset the carbon dioxide our trip is producing, I ask, where are the millions of hectares of trees planted with our funds?

I am indeed sick and tired of the new-age thought police culture that thinking people feel they cannot challenge without the fear of being branded and attacked. The thought police enthusiasts seem to love to brand those who disagree with them in a similar fashion to how “heretics” were branded not long ago. This is a new type of "religious" terrorism that no one is prepared to stand up against and say I don’t believe in your nonsense.

Yes, we should stop polluting the planet. Yes we should stop plundering our resources and try to curb population growth among other things. But to imagine that by not using plastic shopping bags one won’t have to save up for an air conditioner, this is what one should be branded for as stupid.

What is more stupid is to see governments like the former (Australian) Gillard Government imposing a Carbon Tax. How does this solve the problem? The only thing it would have achieved was commodity price increase that would only disadvantage the already disadvantaged.

The way I see it, this whole kerfuffle has the hallmarks of new-age Soros controlled opposition syndrome. Make them think they are thinkers and reformers, wind them up, and release them to dance to your tunes.

The real leaders of the Al Gore version of global warming are by and large invisible, except for Al Gore himself. But there are definitely many others hiding behind the façade making a fortune selling products and services based on misinformation and fearmongering.

I ask my rational thinking friends to investigate and think deeply before they follow the stream. I didn’t mean any offence to anyone.

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