By Susan Safi 28 February 2019
Russia lost up to 40 million in World War II. The last thing they want is another war. Following modern Russian international politics in recent years, shows a nation that at every opportunity practices and advocates dialogue, negotiation, high end diplomacy and utilising the legal structures of international law and conventions. Their involvement in Syria, their legal ally, was at their request and we should be thankful for their role in Syria as this has benefited all. We should look beyond the narrative the West presents about this, instead recognising the terrifying role the West and it’s allies played in utilising terrorism for “regime change”, piracy and balkanisation.
The U.S and allies released and unleashed an evil genie from the box when Zbigniew Brzezinski introduced a new strategy which can never be reversed. In 1979, while speaking to the radical Islamist Mujahideen group in Pakistan, as President Carter’s National Security Advisor, Brzezinski told the group that “Your cause is right, and God is on your side.” The rest is history, but of course the truth is not in the Western history books where it is merely a collection of fantasies and fabrications.
The U.S is happy to see Europe plunged into trouble and war due to its alliance with them, to see Australia suffer economically due to obeying its master’s demands regarding China, Australia’s largest trading partner. It has been like this for decades. Now Russia has to spell out to the USA that they can no longer hide behind their tools (see video).
The ordinary people of the West don’t want war, they want to respect and live in peace with their fellow earthlings, but they are controlled by the media and their government's lies. They actually believe they have freedom and democracy!
In the West, popular media from daily news, to Hollywood productions and to their carefully crafted version of history, has prepared their people to accept untruths as truths and wrong as right; that it’s acceptable and justifiable for their governments to invade other countries, topple other country’s governments, take hold of their resources and unleash (often testing) weapons and armaments of all kinds. Hijacking, piracy, sleight of hand, "colour" revolutions, outright aggression are their signature calling cards and part of their Machiavellian "the end justifies the means" modus operandi.
People are too busy with their lives, dealing with all the diversions and traps, or just plain surviving, and they have no energy, motivation or sense of urgency to look deeper at the state of the world as it hurtles towards so much more trouble, let alone wake up and recognise their own state of captivity and slavery.
Whilst the "multi polar" world, a world that endeavours to work collaboratively, surges forth with exciting developments, they unfortunately have to spend resources to respond to the real "axis of evil" that threatens our world. This speech by President Putin outlines the situation of an imminent, chilling, deadly threat to his people by a country becoming increasingly desperate to grab back, at any cost, it's former sole superpower status.
How sick is it that brilliant scientific minds and the technology they've created are diverted into and engaged in how to attack and how to defend, when instead these resources could positively transform nations. But what do you do? Roll over and die? Roll over and become overwhelmed and die culturally, spiritually and economically, not to mention politically?
Australia’s ally is the U.S. It is part of the “5 Eyes”. Are we prepared to get further entangled as an ally to an empire that’s reached the bottom of the sewer pit, one that has soaring poverty and hunger rates, no free universal health care or education, searing social injustice, civil upheaval and fragmentation, private militia groups and general infrastructure collapse: a crumbling empire that will make sure its allies go down before it does?
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