Monday, May 15, 2023



As I keep reiterating, climate is changing, and it has always been changing. I don’t know why it changes and I don’t believe anyone knows why either.
In saying this, if the predictions are accurate in terms of an overall increase of 1-2 degrees Celsius in 100 years, then we must realize it won’t be noticeable in one’s lifetime, and for one to conclude that “it’s getting hotter” after experiencing a warm day is ludicrous.
What is sinister is that meteorologists and activists seem to deliberately hide basic data from the public. Remember that they are the same ones who profess to know WHY climate is changing and are adamant that it is due to human activity.
Cyclone Oma has nearly hit the Qld. coast before it dissipated. Why is it that weather reports do not make any comments about the temperatures along the coast before and after Oma?
These are the facts. Before Oma, the temperatures from Ballina south to Rockhampton north were in the mid 30’s. After Oma, the temperatures dropped to low 20’s.
When the coast experiences such a drop in temperature it is usually because of a “cool southerly change”. But there is no cool breeze coming from the south. This morning in fact it is very still, but yet cool.
Does anyone ask why? Do weather reports explain why? No, because the reason does not suit their agenda.
So here are the facts.
Thermodynamics states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. But it can be changed. This is how a fuel combustion engine changes heat of burning fuel into “work” ie locomotion.
In a similar manner, a cyclone/hurricane takes in energy from warm water and “uses” it to generate storms. Massive amount of energy is needed to move all of the wind they generate at such high speeds. But the end result is that the heat that was absorbed from the ocean waters end up dissipated resulting in cooling of not only the ocean waters, but also the entire region and atmosphere.
This is why Oma has resulted in nearly a 15 degree drop in temperature.
And by the way, what is the amount of energy an average cyclone/hurricane dissipates? Here is the answer and the link to it:
“This is equivalent to about 200 times the total electrical generating capacity on the planet! NASA says that "during its life cycle a hurricane can expend as much energy as 10,000 nuclear bombs!" And we're just talking about average hurricanes here, not Katrina”

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