Susan Safi, 6 January, 2024.
His vivid, often inspiring writings on this topic, (see attachment) by default are,at least to the keen observer, juxtaposed to that of the flailing, multi-headed hydra of the “empire” of the West that sows chaos and brutality where “needed” as it struggles to recover its former status; a status most in the West believe is still intact, hence that denial delivering the monster a little more of a boost of energy, agency and finances in order to keep the show going a little longer.
All that is good and creative, all the remarkable achievements of the people of the West, in every discipline, has been twisted, perverted and plundered with the permission of Western “leaders” serving the faceless moneyed and powerful “elites”; a diverse “class” that collaborate at times and then war against each other “quietly”when their interests clash.
First they asset stripped whole countries, colonies, any vulnerable country or region, including their “friends” and “allies” whose politicians convinced their people that all was good.
Many in the West have woken up to this.
A Western "empire" clinging to its recent status as being the unipolar power, wielding full-spectrum global domination; a paradigm operating in the same old mindset, following the same old playbook, but striking out, taking many down with it as it quickly sinks and implodes amidst a very new and different world emerging as those parts of the world unhook from what doesn’t serve their best interests, as described by Escobar
Instead of the Western empire dismantling its sick ways of global thuggery and abuse, even of their own populations, and instead turning a new page, it increases in audacity as each day passes, stuck in the clutches of a mafiosi mindset and associations, selling their people “solutions” for a world of “problems”, all-the-while scheming via these “solutions” for further enslavement of and harm to their populations, a population still largely unaware of what is going on and what has really happened over time.
There are enough who are piecing together the puzzle and unplugging from the mind games and control. There is much hope, but waking up to and acting on the situation doesn’t come cheaply. Being aware brings some safety and the ability to think laterally, to unite with others and forge new ways that are culturally suitable and realistic.
I’m feeling a little sad this morning after reflecting on a conversation last night with a really smart filmmaker friend in Lebanon, currently having a break from her home in Beirut and staying in the countryside in Southern Lebanon with family. She feels there is no hope for the region, she feels they’re "drowning" and truly believes the West and its allies will finish off the area. Her hopes have, temporarily perhaps, vanished.
Being right in the midst of deep existential threats, I have nothing to say to comfort her. I can’t say to her that I think she’s wrong and hugely, I mean massively, over-estimating the US, EU and their NATO war apparatus. I’ve outlined above what I think is happening. But that would be of no comfort to her.
I have to acknowledge that she is fully aware of the circumstances that hold back so much potential in her world, in her region; a region mired in either present or imminent death and destruction and a lack of will and desire by the stronger nations in the region to stand up and start to be visionaries, creative builders of a new, unique region, harnessing the good of it’s many cultures, taking the weaker, suffering nations along with them and needing to urgently, totally shun and sideline a cancerous nation among them that’s out of control. Only when the region has taken its destiny in its own hands will that troublesome thug of a neighbour come to heel and get some humility.
The Middle East region can achieve this if there is the will and the belief that the buck stops with them and that outside nefarious players cannot solve their problems or even desires, and that they need to leave in every sense of the word.
No one is going anywhere, anywhere on this planet in fact, until they take collective responsibility and actions and face the pervasive inner demons that divide, paralyse and at times in history destroy them. A big ask, but surely better than being under the boot of powers that wish them nothing good.
Like others in her part of the world, my friend has lived in this knowledge for most of her life and like many, feels that this desire of collective responsibility and visioning is not something the region is ready for. Or is it?
Turning to an active participant of the Western "empire", Australia; its leaders by pragmatic and "contracted" necessity are short-sighted, opportunistic and dare not waver from the "rules" of the "empire". They dutifully (no duty to the people) put all their bets on and efforts toward this dying despotic world led by various sick clusters of "cabals" who only know existence to be the pursuit of predictable, endless wars for various goals, accepting the ongoing destruction of ordinary people's lives, lives that mean nothing to them apart from when they are of some use to them.
These psychopaths oppose their servile nations with murderous force and scheming should they entertain any dreams of true sovereignty, independent policies, the freedom to choose neutrality perhaps, hold any bold aspirations and innovations or thoughts of partnerships, including international, based around mutual building and cooperation for the good of their own country. This very much describes Australia.
These "transnational" "cabal" have no loyalty to any nation, they merely hijack and steer them as their own vehicles. They oppose self determination to their last breath because their existence depends on the lack of all the positive human aspirations described above, including those of "their" own people in the powerful nations they drive and act from.
The ordinary folks in those "powerful" nations, generally speaking, truly believe they, as a nation, are the greatest, all powerful, exempt from any international laws and conventions, more human than anyone else, and the biggest exceptionalists walking on the planet where every reference point for anything in existence must come from that mindset they sit in. If it doesn't then it doesn't exist. Some now realise they are just puppets being stripped bare, often mere cannon fodder, just like their counterparts in their masters' satellite in the Levant.
In the past the collective of these “Cabals” focused mostly on raping and pillaging the non-Western world, whilst ensuring an obedient, cooperative population in the West. But now it’s clear to many in the West that the evil is on our doorstep, even inside our living rooms and becoming all pervasive.
We will overcome all of this by gaining full awareness of the facts, being united, and willing to sacrifice for the long term good. That’s the story of many other parts of the world. That’s the earthly expression of the battle of good over evil.
Super article Susan. Thanks for leading me to your blog. By the way, did you mean this link?:
that's sad about your friend in Lebanon. I, here in the West feel that the Middle East is the place to look to for strength and truth. And I wish Canada had a Hezbollah - we the people only have the bought and paid for stooges of the elites - who we need to start naming I believe. I think Israel is the center control station for these criminals. And right now the Middle East, even though its been bombed and beaten for decades and centuries by the West - is the place where this confrontation with Zionism is happening. The Middle East has called it by its name for decades - The Zionist Entity - and people in the West watch helplessly as their controllers - the governments - plan to take down the Middle East again. If I had no committments - like animals - here in Canada I would move to the Middle East. I'd rather be on the right side of history - and I see that Sergei Lavrov has now equated Palestine with the right side of history is not Russia right now. Its Yemen. And Hezbollah. Your friend needs to be proud of her nation. I know I can't really say anything as I am not starving and afraid of getting bombed. But really ?
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