Monday, May 15, 2023

Small posts on climate and related issues by Iman Safi, January 26, 2020

Young people are by virtue progressive and forward thinking. Furthermore, the warlords and some Western governments have learnt the hard way during the 1960’s and 70’s that youth power cannot be ignored. The Vietnam War came to an end not only by the resilience of the Vietnamese people, but also because of the efforts of Western peace activists who were predominantly young.
With this lesson learned, the warlords and traders of blood have reverted to deviating attention from their dirty deeds by creating a cause that is both popular and seemingly dangerous. This is how and why the anthropogenic (ie human-made) climate change scare was created. With the eyes of people, especially passionate energetic young people looking the wrong way, the plotters are able to continue with their wars, genocides, slave labour camps, weapon trades, pillaging the resources of poor nations, sex slave trade, economic inequality, and so forth and have their crimes go unnoticed.
The anthropogenic climate change theory uses fossil data to prove its validity, but fossil data indicate that historic increases in temperature resulted in higher CO2; not the other way around. The theory doesn’t have any scientific backing at all.
This is the biggest false flag and social engineering plot ever perpetrated. It is ‘controlled opposition’ at its best. It is meant to divert your attention and keep your eyes off the ball. All major Western political parties are benefiting from it. The Left is gaining mileage by presenting itself as the globally conscious and progressive political base. And even though the political Right is on the surface against it, in denouncing it without showing the real evidence, it is trying to present itself to “big business” that it will always be on its side; after all, this is where their funds come from.
Wake up.

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