The Polar Vortex Spin
“The Earth moves in several ways. First, it turns around its polar axis; one turn takes 24 hours. Then it moves along its orbit around the Sun; one full revolution takes 1 year. And third, its polar axis changes direction very slowly, just like a spinning top. This effect is called precession and one full turn lasts almost 26,000 years.” This quotation has been taken from this link:
*More information on this is found here.
*More information on this is found here.
This is science, not nonsense.
Earth has a polar axis cycle that sees the angle between its polar axis and its rotation around the sun plane (the ecliptic plane) spinning in a conical manner, once every nearly 26000 years.
Now, it is the tilt angle with the ecliptic plane (nearly 23.5 degrees) that gives earth its seasons. But though this is a fixed angle, its orientation isn’t. In theory, at noon of the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere (21 June), the sun is exactly vertically up on the Tropic of Cancer. Likewise, this happens on the 21st of December on the Tropic of Capricorn. But as an outcome of precession, the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn are not fixed marks, they are moving towards each other by nearly 15 meters annually each.
What this all means is that with or without human intervention, with or without any carbon di-oxide build up in the atmosphere, with or without unpredictable major climatic changes, even without the earth turning upside down and thus reversing the geographical poles, the seasons will “naturally” reverse between the two hemispheres every 26000 years.
This is known fact, and has been known for a very long time, centuries in fact, but for some reason, climatologists do not want to talk about it. They instead prefer to adopt unproven theories that are based on no more than fearmongering.
What adds insult to injury is that the fearmongering reports are very dishonest when they try to cover up their footsteps and failed predictions.
Ten years ago, Al Gore said we had ten years to save the planet from the imminent man-made climate change. He also spoke about the consequences of disturbances made to the Gulf Stream and the freeze that would follow. Not only none of the above has happened, but now those same climatologists are using a new cop out because they cannot explain the reason behind the current freeze in the Northern Hemisphere. They are calling it the Polar Vortex.
The Polar Vortex phenomenon is not a new thing to science either. It has also been a known fact for quite some time. It was first described in 1853 long before any human intervention could have caused it. However, neither did Al Gore warn about it nor his protagonists. They are now conveniently using it to “prove” that earth is having this phenomenon BECAUSE of man-induced global warming.
In their spin, they seem to be successfully selling the bizarre story that the Northern Hemisphere is freezing because earth is warming.
If what they are saying is true and that we are now experiencing much higher and much lower temperatures in different parts of the world, then on the scale of what is happening in the Northern Hemisphere right now, we should be seeing temperatures higher than 70 Celsius in Australia. But no one is asking why we are not. How is it that intelligent people are not making those analogies or at least questioning them?
Yes, the climate is changing as it always did. We know some of the reasons behind it. One of the biggest would be the spinning of the polar axis a mentioned above, but this aspect is never mentioned, none what-so-ever. This is like trying to keep a room warm and worrying about a tiny crack in the wall and ignoring an open window.
The human-induced climate change theory has all the hallmarks of controlled opposition. It is a brain-washing technique in which big players control the minds of well-willing people by keeping their positive energies focused on causes that look of great importance, all the while remaining totally oblivious and turning a blind eye to the real problems facing the planet and humanity in general.
And of course, we should not forget the multi-billion dollar climate change business. How can we?
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